member Products

Alle betalende medlemmer kan bruke vår logo i sin markedsføring, og benytte vårt kundeskjema for å kvalitetssikre mottaket av nye kunder.


All registered and paying members can use our logo in their marketing. The logo can be used on printed matter, websites, social media etc.

Right-click the logo and select 'Save As ...'

NB! If you are not a member of the Norwegian Massage Association, or have not paid this year's membership fee, you can not use the logo. Abuse can lead to liability.

Logo for use by paying members of the Norwegian Massage Association.

customer Forms

You can use this customer form when you register new customers (and you can let old customers fill it out at the next visit). This ensures that you have a good overview of the customer's health condition, and your business will seem more serious.

Please, it's free. Print it yourself or send it to a copy center (Allkopi, CopyCat etc.)

Download:Customer Forms Norwegian Massage Association

NB! Remember that the collection and storage of sensitive data (health information) must be processed in accordance with the Personal Data Act. Completed forms must be locked in so that they cannot be accessed by unauthorized persons. Forms that are no longer in use must be destroyed so that they can not be read later.